We work closely with many different partners and have support from a large network of companies and institutions. All our partners enable us to work better, smarter, and to grow and learn from each other in the process. They are, therefore, an integral part of Pharsol’s network and empower us with everything we need to offer our clients the best service possible on all levels of cooperation.

Support instruments

Development of PharSol and products was made possible by:

Slovene Enterprise Fund Ljubljana University incubator Ministry of Economic Development and Technology European Regional Development Fund

Startup PharSol is also an active member of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology. In 2019, we attended the HV lab accelerator programme run by EIT Health and General Electrics, Healthcare division.

Health Venture Lab General Electrics European Institute of Innovation and Technology


Our work could not be done without amazing partners from academic institutions as well as from the industry. We are always on a mission to provide the best service and products.

Distribution partners

Health Venture Lab General Electrics European Institute of Innovation and Technology Health Venture Lab General Electrics European Institute of Innovation and Technology

Industry partners

Slovene Enterprise Fund Ljubljana University incubator Ministry of Economic Development and Technology European Regional Development Fund Acies Bio

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