A customised solution for production

Once your process is ready to be scaled up, new challenges arise. Heat exchange, mass transfer, limited space, regulatory requirements, or budget restrictions – the bioreactor is the centre of the whole project.

Bionet’s industrial solutions are the right path to go down when solving these problems and achieving a successful scale-up.

Industrial-scale bioreactor designed for your needs

Looking for customisation beyond the standard features with volumes of 200 L and more? Then you’re in the right place.

We design and construct custom bioreactor systems of industrial scale, no matter the process type – working volumes from 30 to 30,000 litres, for mAbs and vaccines, enzymes and probiotics, even bioplastics.

The scope of our customisation will include the bioreactor/fermentor and auxiliary systems for media preparation, sterile dosing, CIP system, etc.

Everything can be made fully automated as automation is a vital part of QbD (quality by design) and will be developed at the same time as the process, mechanical and electrical design, assuring a system that delivers and can be qualified.

All bioprocess skids can be delivered fully compliant with GMP-GAMP5 guidelines including design, installation, and operational qualification (DQ, IQ, OQ) preparation and execution.

Choose a complete production suite

We can also build complete production suites, encompassing all upstream and downstream processes. The projects are designed as a whole, with industrial equipment being accompanied by a range of related services.

A complete solution

An integral part of our solution is focusing on industry and market in which you will be operating, special conditions, and other needs. And so we provide:

  • Customised process units for which Bionet is a renowned specialist (e.g. bioreactors and tangential flow filtration systems).
  • Customised auxiliary components and systems (e.g. CIP/SIP, media preparation, harvest tank, inactivation systems, formulation tanks).
  • Integration of third-party process units (e.g. centrifuges, chromatography).
  • Bioprocess automation for individual units and complete plants.
  • Support for qualification and validation activities.

Industrial bioprocess automation

Bionet’s bioprocess automation is perfect for the industrial-scale production of biomolecules and for fermentation or cell culturing. The automation also covers biomolecule isolation and purification.

By using established automation methods and customising them into solutions, we offer standardised and modular functions, making our solutions flexible and reliable.

We offer pre-developed and industry-proven software modules enabling a fast and cost-effective project execution.


The centralised software solutions are developed in SIEMENS SCADA System SIMATIC WinCC V7. A scalable and open SCADA system offers maximum plant productivity and transparency.


The solution is created through a process, which includes Automation URS (user requirement specification), Software and Automation architecture design, Programming, Testing, Start-up, and Qualification. We consider them all and provide you with a fully working industrial-scale solution.


Our systems integrate Bionet’s industrial-scale process skids (media preparation, batching, fermentation/cell culturing, harvest, tangential flow filtration, kill systems) as well as other vendors’ process units (centrifugation, homogenisation, chromatography) under one working environment.


If you are interested in the Bionet industrial skids, contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or use the form below.

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