F0 BABY bioreactor fermenter fermentor 2

The F0 Baby Bioreactor can be used in different combinations of modules, all controlled with the ROSITA Bioprocessing Software.

On your way to becoming the world’s foremost producer of antibiotics, you will need to gather the best equipment. You will also have to perfect your culture and culturing process, which can be a long journey, full of errors and you cannot afford too many errors with big and expensive equipment! That is why you need something smaller. Something simpler. Something for every counter.

And the F0-BABY is just that - convenient and yet professional. Still not convinced? Maybe this will change your mind:

1. Small

The F0 has a tidy and neat design. It takes up minimal space and is therefore ideal for the lab bench, without obstructing other laboratory equipment.

The F0 Baby is very convenient for the lab bench, without standing in the way of other equipment.

2. Easy to use

Not only does the F0 have a slick look, but it also comes with a series of accessories for easier use and handling.

3. Adaptable

The whole F0 system is adaptable to your specific needs and the needs of your cells. The vessels are interchangeable, the speed of the motor can be adjusted, the turbines can be changed. Everything to suit your wishes.

An agitator shaft with Rushton turbines. With the F0, you can use different types of turbines.

Continuous Process Module Variable Speed Peristaltic Pump 1

Whatever your cells desire, the F0 Baby Bioreactor system supports it all. Modules can be added for specific preferences.

4. Expandable

As mentioned before, the F0 is made for adaptability. It’s structure is suitable for modular functioning and upgrades. Need to air-out your cell culture? Add a gas module. Does batch bore you? Add the perfusion module. Need more pumping power? Add another peristaltic pump.

Whatever your cells desire, the F0 Baby Bioreactor system supports it all. Modules can be added for specific preferences.

5. ROSITA-Controlled

The whole hardware setup of the F0 is controlled and monitored by ROSITA. Who is ROSITA? ROSITA is your best friend when it comes to R&D. It helps you with the automation of your processes, control and visualization. And if that isn’t enough, ROSITA will also help you optimise your process. ROSITA is analytical and smart. Now who doesn’t want a partner like that?

ROSITA plays a major part in the practicality of the F0 Baby system. Control and optimize your process.

Rosita bioprocessing software

ROSITA plays a major part in the practicality of the F0 Baby system. Control and optimize your process. 

To read more about the F0-BABY Bioreactor, check it out here.

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